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Psalm 71: Growing Old God’s way (Part I)

In a CNA news article2 published in early October 2024, it was reported that Singapore “is projected to attain “super aged” status in 2026, as more than one in five here are expected to be 65 years old or older. “By 2030, one in four Singaporeans will be aged 65 or above”. Yet, another report3 from CNN Health reported that “scientists have found that human beings age at a molecular level in two accelerated bursts – first at the age of 44, and then again at 60.” I turned 61 this year. Perhaps that explains why I am feeling more lethargic and taking more time to recuperate from a heavy workday. I pondered about retirement and what plans I might have to make at this phase of my life. Psalm 71 speaks not only to seniors like me, but also to the younger generation because preparation for old age begins now.


I have split the article into two parts so that we can take time to reflect on how ageing can be a journey filled with gratitude and thanksgiving to our Lord, the author and finisher of our faith. May the article show us how we can age gracefully with purpose, and live well right to the end, to the glory of God!

Eld Sim Chow Meng


Growing old is often feared due to declining health, loneliness, financial concerns, and the reality of death. To prepare for old age, one must cultivate faith and a walk with God now. Psalm 71, the psalm of an old man, illustrates that developing a relationship with God helps one remain joyful and strong despite trials. The psalmist's ability to handle problems stemmed from his lifelong walk with God, providing him with inner strength. The psalm highlights the importance of knowing God in navigating old age's challenges successfully. There were three aspects of his walk with God that the Psalmist had developed over the years, which stood him in good stead at the time of trial in his old age.


1. We need to develop a deep knowledge of God.

The psalm is permeated with a deep personal understanding and practical knowledge of the Lord God. The psalmist had been taught of God even from his youth (71:17). He knew God as his refuge (71:1; “strong refuge,” 71:7) and his righteous Saviour (71:2). He called God his rock of habitation, his rock and fortress (71:3); his hope and confidence (71:5). He talked of God’s mighty deeds (71:16), His strength and power (71:18) and the great things He had done (71:19). He realised that it was God who brought him into trouble and God who delivered and restored him (71:20). God was his source of comfort in trial (71:21). God had redeemed his soul (71:23). He exclaimed, “O God, who is like You?” (71:19). He could testify that his mouth was filled with God’s praise and glory and righteousness all day long (71:8, 22, 23, 24). This man knew his God! It is obvious that he had known Him for years and had proved God’s faithfulness in several previous difficult situations. We need to know our God and what He can do so that we can lay hold of the tremendous resources that belong to us as His children. If we’re learning that now, then we will know Him as our confidence when the crises of old age come upon us.


2. We need to develop the godly habits of trust, praise and hope.

A habit is developed by frequent repetition over a period of time. Once it’s in place, a habit becomes almost involuntary. Our attitudes, how we respond mentally and emotionally to life’s problems, tend to become habitual responses. Some people become habitual worriers; some become habitual complainers; some become habitually negative, pessimistic and angry. Others become habitually cheerful and positive. The habits we develop in our younger years tend to take us further in that direction as we grow older. There are three habits we need to deliberately cultivate and these stem from the knowledge of God: trust (71:3), praise (71:6) and hope (71:14).

More on the three habits next week. God bless!




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